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12 Strange Ways To Improve Your Health

Strange Ways of Health

Need to lose weight? Feeling stressed and overwhelmed? Is your health in need of a reboot?

Well, fear not! In this article, we are going to provide you with 12 strange and wonderful ways to improve your health and make your feel exuberant and full of life!

1. Plant a Garden

Feeling stressed? Plant a garden, take your mind off stressful thoughts and situations by creating a garden project.

Research carried out by Richard Berkley for the University of California revealed that stress could adversely affect the mood, energy levels and the ability to carry out day to day tasks efficiently.

Plant A Garden

Therefore, to alleviate the symptoms of anxiety, start a small gardening project. Plant some roses, some spinach or some daffodils for the spring.

Not only is gardening a form of exercise, which has also been linked to stress reduction. It is also a way of boosting confidence.

Especially if you have never planted a garden before, trying new things can boost self esteem and increase self confidence. Give it a try!

2. Drink Cherry Juice For Muscle Recovery

Studies carried out by the experts at the Sports and Exercise Science Research Centre at London South Bank university, revealed that cherry juice could reduce inflammation caused by exercise.

Drinking cherry juice after strenuous exercise can aid muscle growth and recovery. The research showed that antioxidant components in cherries called anthocyanins have useful anti-inflammatory properties.

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Therefore, if you struggle with muscle pain after a workout, drink a glass of organic, tart cherry juice to reduce inflammation and decrease the pain.

3. Replace Your Deodorant with Lemons

Chemicals found in conventional store-bought deodorants are harmful to the body. For example, research has shown that parabens (used as preservatives in most antiperspirants) emulate estrogen in the cells.

Studies have also demonstrated breast tumors contain dangerous parabens. Therefore, to reduce the risk of breast cancer, try cutting out the store bought deodorant and replacing it with lemon instead.


Squeeze some lemon juice into a 100 ml bottle of water. Spray it on your armpits whenever you need to.

Research undertaken by Ellen Marmur, professor of dermatology at Mount Sinai Medical center revealed that the citric acid in lemons helps to reduce bacteria and odor.

Making it the perfect replacement for conventional deodorant sprays.

4. Brain-Boosting With Dental Floss

Boost your brainpower by flossing twice a day. Scientific studies have shown that oral health could be linked to brain health. Studies carried out highlighted that people who had oral health issues suffered from reduced brain function and cognitive impairment.

Therefore, brushing twice daily, flossing and attending regular dental appointments could help to boost brain power.

5. Use a Neti Pots

Neti pots are ancient Indian nasal cleansing pots. They are said to remove mucus and reduce nasal inflammation. They also relieve respiratory tract infections, decrease allergies and can be useful in reducing headaches and migraines.

6. Wear Masai Balance Shoes

Masai balance shoes are based on barefoot technology. They are designed to mimic the natural movement of the feet. Thus providing adequate support for the spine and joints.

They also encourage you to walk with a straight back, which facilitates the improvement of the posture.

7. Use a Standing Desk

Use a standing desk instead of sitting down in the office. Standing while you work has many health benefits.

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Such as, lowering blood sugar levels, reducing the risk of heart disease, helps you burn more calories, reduces back pain and standing helps to boost energy levels too.

8. Foam Roll

Foam rolling can be just as beneficial as getting a professional sports massage. Here are some of the benefits of foam rolling after a workout.

● Improves flexibility

● Reduces risk of injury

● Aids muscle recovery

● Boosts circulation

● Reduces inflammation

9. Drink Apple Cider Vinegar

Apple cider vinegar has many health benefits. The enzymes produced during the fermentation process can help with a myriad of health problems. Here are some of the essential health benefits of apple cider vinegar:

● Balances blood sugar levels

● Accelerates weight loss

● Lowers cholesterol

● Improves skin health

● Reduces blood pressure

Consume ½ a teaspoon of apple cider vinegar in 500 ml of water daily.

10. Smile

Smile often, studies show that smiling reduces stress levels, boosts the immune system, makes you feel happy, slows down the aging process and increases energy levels.


Whenever you are feeling low, tired or under the weather. Just smile, it is free, takes no time or effort at all, and you could experience some of these incredible health benefits.

11. Use Whiskey to Reduce a Sore Throat

Suffering from a sore throat? Instead of heading straight to the doctor’s office, why not try an old remedy that reduces inflammation, decreases pain and kills bacteria.

Mix a couple of teaspoons of whiskey with some water, add some honey to sweeten if you wish. Gargle twice a day to reduce the symptoms of your sore throat.

12. Surround Yourself With Fresh Green Plants

Surrounding yourself with plants can be extremely beneficial for your health. Science-backed research carried out by the University of Agriculture in Norway indicated that placing plants in your house can reduce your chances of getting coughs, colds and other respiratory tract illnesses.

Plants can also help to increase your energy levels.

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We hope these strange yet exciting ways of improving your health will provide you with some insight into methods you can try to boost energy levels, stabilise blood sugar, decrease stress levels, lose weight, reduce the risk of various diseases and give your health the boost it needs to make you healthier, happier and full of vibrant exuberance.

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12 Strange Ways To Improve Your Health


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