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Donald Trump’s Closing Speech Takeaways At The World Economic Forum

Donald Trump’s Closing Speech Takeaways At The World Economic Forum

Donald Trump is probably the most controversial president of United States of America. He is the 45th president and he has only been him for one year. In one year, he has been thoroughly scrutinized and it does not look like this will soon stop. Before being a president, Donald Trump was a businessman and a television personality.

At the 2018 World Economic Forum at Davos in Switzerland, like minded people have come from all over the world to discuss the most important aspects of the state of the world. Before we learn more about what Donald Trump delivered during his closing speech, we should look forward to the takeaways from the overall discussions on the important matters.

World Economic Forum


Therefore, some of the most discussed concerns were regarding the technology, healthcare and the economical state. Mental health is for sure one of the many problems the world of today is facing. Not many care for the reality in which mental health stays at the root of all problem solving, because they cannot grasp the idea. Specialists came to emphasize on this important problem that we are all facing.

Bernard Tyson, the KP (Kaiser Permanente) CEO, mentions at the World Economic Forum that a third of the primary care visits which are set for patients who present physical pains and symptoms, the underlying cause is actually defined by untreated mental health issues.  These mental health issues will definitely come to be a complete burden on the current state of healthcare from all over the world, as many of us may not even be prepared to understand the extent of such issues. As the world becomes more complicated, our brains will for sure take longer to adjust themselves to the fast and unforgiving modern society, thus often leading to depression which in return give way to suicide in so many cases.

Another matter which raised many eyebrows is the digitalization that we seem to be directing ourselves towards. Joe Kaeser, CEO of Siemens, have presented two possible outcomes, we will

“have either the best society ever built” having “completed Fourth Industrial Revolution” or one of “the biggest trade war we’ve ever had.”

“We’ll not only have self-driving cars, we’ll have burning cars”

he said


Meaning that the world will have to decide how to redirect the working classes when the robots with AI and the overall digitalization will finally make its way into our industry.

Joe KAeser, at the World Economic Forum

Joe KAeser, at the World Economic Forum

Needless to say, there were many more matters which were discussed, but the closing speech of Trump’s must be observed to see if he paid any attention to the concerns, because it was breathlessly awaited for.

“But America first does not mean America alone. When the United States grows, so does the world.”

Donald Trump at World Economic Forum

The US president comes to clarify in his speech at the World Economic Forum, that America will always come first for him, but that does not mean that it should stand alone.

Before the actual speech took place, the White House press secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders stated that

“At this year’s World Economic Forum, the president looks forward to promoting his policies to strengthen American businesses, American industries, and American workers.”

And so he did.

Unemployment is lowered and people are getting better

As the president himself says, he tries to lower the unemployment level and to offer a chance for every citizen to live his American dream.

By experiencing economic growth, adding $7 trillion by stock market, America had the possibility to create 2.4 million jobs, as the confidence of consumers grew and the industries doing so well. Thus, the unemployment rate dropped, being at its lowest it has been in the last half a century, as the president of America confidently states. As he presents these numbers, he goes along to present why America is now the greatest place to invest and have businesses opened.

“America is the place to do business”

Donald Trump begins his speech by saying

“I’m here today to represent the interests of the American people and to affirm America’s friendship and partnership in building a better world. Like all nations represented at this great forum, America hopes for a future in which everyone can prosper and every child can grow up free from violence, poverty and fear.”

And as he expresses his civic concerns, he also shows his sales abilities, because we all know that Trump considers himself to be both a politician and a businessman in the continuity of his lifetime career.

“Historically I guess there’s never really been a businessman or business person elected president.”

Donald Trump at World Economic Forum

He emphasizes on the fact the America faced tax cuts and reforms, giving way to small businesses and companies to flourish and sustain the economic growth. They have lowered the corporate taxes from 35% down to 21%, meaning that the incomes will be raised, thus allowing the working class to lead a more peaceful life.

Even as he claims to be so, the real impact on the actual facts is not clear yet.

He even mentions the big technology company, Apple, while he emphasizes on the fact that the latter will flourish more and bring higher profit back to America. It seems like the president is quite set on delivering a greater America to the public’s eye. Is it really so in reality?

Global Trade made fair

Donald Trump mentions during his speech the fact that US will not tolerate any longer the unfair trade, as he supports free and open trade for the ones that “play by the rules”. After every affirmation, he is surely going back to the base, underlying the fact that he is doing everything in his country’s best interests, but he is also offering support to the global trade.

Fight against terrorism

“And we continue to call on partners to confront Iran’s support for terrorists and to block Iran’s path to a nuclear weapon. We are also working with allies and partners to destroy jihadist terrorist organizations such as ISIS.”

As these are the most important speech takeaways, additionally Donald Trump mentions the fact that he was always portrayed positively in the media while being a businessman, but since he is the president he has realized how fake and how nasty media really is. He has definitely received some ‘boos’ from the media members who were present in the audience.

Another thing to pinpoint on his closing speech is the fact that he sticked up to the teleprompter. He was well prepared to deliver the message that America is greater and well opened to receive investments. However, he did not address any words on the other matters, more specifically than the situation of the whole of US.

“Thank you to the leaders and innovators in the audience, but most importantly, thank you to all of the hard-working men and women who do their duty each and every day making this a better world for everyone together.

Let us send our love and our gratitude to make them because they really make our countries run. They make our countries great.

Thank you and God bless you all. Thank you very much.”

Donald Trump as he wraps up his speech.

As to close this discussion, the overall idea of his speech will forever be “America First”, but now with a twist, “But it does not mean America alone”.

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Donald Trump’s Closing Speech Takeaways At The World Economic Forum

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