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Man Went On A Date & You Won’t BELIEVE What Happened Next

Not all dates are meant to end under your sheet in your bedroom.

One man, however received a lot of Q&As when he went on a date and did not ask the girl to take her home.

In the continued session of Q&As, an unnamed woman said she “WASTED 2 HOURS” on her to look beautiful and have sex that night.

Although, the man remained calm in all of his responses, the girl completely loses it.

And then, the man posted all these texts on Imgur for all to see.

As he did not take her home, she asks him if he was ‘GAY‘ or he found her to be ‘HIDEOUS‘.

But when he said that he ‘JUST DIDN’T FEEL LIKE IT‘, she told him that ‘NO MEANS NO‘ only when woman say that.

He tries to stand his ground and in return he got a reply of foul language and insult.

She said that she was dropping hints all night to take her home but he didn’t advance on any of it.

She also asked if his manhood was ‘LITTLE‘ or ‘BROKEN‘.

He somehow manages to handle it like a mature person throughout the conversation and deserves a salute for it.

Since the man posted the texts online, they received comments from 2000+ people.

Lot of them shared their disgust of woman’s behaviors and reassured him not all dates are like this.

Some of the comments were:

Just like women don’t owe men sex, men don’t owe women sex. Period. No exceptions.

“No means no when I say it” what the **** is wrong with people.

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