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Plane Skids Off Runway And Stopped With Its One Engine in Black Sea

On January 13, passengers of the flight of Pegasus Airlines were terrified for their lives when their plane skidded off the runway at the Trabzon Airport, Turkey.

“We swerved all of the sudden”, said on of the passengers of the flight.”Front of the plane crashed & and the back portion was still in the air”. The Boeing 737-800 aircraft was in the process of landing on the runway, which was slick with rain and had difficulty in slowing it down.

That was the moment when plane left the runway, falling down the steep slope and stopped with its nose, a feet away from the Black Sea.

YouTube / euronews (in English)

There were 162 passengers, 4 cabin crew members and two pilots in the plane, and incredibly, none was injured. “It’s a miracle we escaped,” said another passenger of the flight. “We could have exploded, burned or flown into the sea.”

YouTube / euronews (in English)

One of the planes engine, however, did end up in the Black Sea.

YouTube / euronews (in English)

The Trabzon Airport was closed overnight, with flights resuming the next day.

Here is the footage of the incident:

(via The New York Times)

What a relief that everyone made out safe and the investigation into this matter has begun, according to Governor Yucel Yavuz of Trabzon.


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