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These Things Will Happen If Humans Suddenly Disappear From Earth

Ever wondered what the world would be like without humans? Let’s find out!

Silence All Around

No humans mean only one thing for the planet Earth, there will not even be a single pin drop noise. All the fun and noises are only because of the presence of human life on earth. If life was to vanish from earth, it would silence the planet in an irreversible and torturous way (but wait, who would be there to feel the torture?)

No Humans Mean No Life On Earth at All

Life is all because of the presence of human beings on earth. Even other living things like birds, animals and plantation depend on humans to feed them and care for them in order to survive. With no human beings around, all living things would die.

Metal Constructions Will Collapse

The metal constructions like bridges and towers require maintenance to persist in the long run. Lack of maintenance would mean that the metal constructions will damage and collapse in absence of humans on Earth.

There Will Only Be Darkness

All powers houses would eventually run out of power sources and there will only be darkness all around. The power stations mostly run on fuel from fossils or other sources.

So, the night will actually be very dark!

Satellites Will Fall from Their Orbit

The gravity force that holds human beings to the land also holds the satellites and various planets to their orbits. There is a mannerism in the activity of planets and life. However, if life was to vanish from earth it would mean that the satellites are also losing their gravitational force. This would make the satellites fall out of their orbits towards Earth and into the sky. It would appear like tiny stars sparkling on the sky when in reality it would be satellites distracted from their orbits.

There Will Only Be Stones Existent

We live in a time where material possessions are definitely given far much more importance and value than they are actually worthy of. But if life was to suddenly disappear from Earth, it would mean that the one thing that is given most importance today will be left standing alone. This is when we will realize that the importance of human beings was far greater than any stones or material things. Research has proven that the only thing left standing on Earth even after thousands of years when humans disappear from the planet are indeed the stone monuments made by man.

The Earth Would Be a Rather Boring Place

The Earth is nothing but a space of land that would be unknown just like all other planets if there were no humans. It is us that bring life, wonder, and charm to this otherwise vacant land called Earth. So the one thing that we can bet on happening if humans were to suddenly disappear from the face of Earth is that it would become so downright boring!

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These Things Will Happen If Humans Suddenly Disappear From Earth

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