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Top 3 Myths About Detox Diets

Detox Juices

If you’ve watched a TV programme lately, listened to one of the so-called celeb gurus giving an interview, or read a lifestyle magazine article, chances are you’ve seen or heard something about detoxing – that strange sounding yet amorphous term that refers to various diet regimes that are supposed to cleanse you, give your body a fresh start and help in your weight loss efforts. The ideas range from one-day fasting to advice on dieting given by such luminaries as Oprah Winfrey and Priyanka Chopra.

The idea of ridding your body of harmful toxins as a way of rejuvenating your system can sound appealing to many people, especially if you’ve been eating poorly or drinking heavily or even addicted to drugs.

Unfortunately, there lacks substantial evidence to back the detox concept and even more, it requires good scientific sense. As we analyse in this paper, some of the ideas could also be dangerous, especially if you’re allergic to certain substances.

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Here’s a quick recap of the top 3 myths about detox diets and why it isn’t the trendiest thing to do as far as your health is concerned:

1. Toxins are not a matter of life and death

Toxins are defined as substances that are generated by animals and plants micro-organisms that are poisonous when ingested by humans. Some drugs can also be toxic when taken in large quantities or what is medically termed an overdose. To the proponents of detox, however, the above definition has been hammered so flat and broad as to render it virtually meaningless.

For instance, specific detox plans target refined sugar, meat and caffeine, alcohol, gluten and red meat as the chief culprits when it comes to environmental toxins as they cite conditions such as fatigue, skin rashes, obesity and various cancers, insomnia, depression, bloating, nasal pain and congestion as evidence of suffering from toxicity.

A lot of criticism and trash is focused on food items in the body that passes through the colon and supposedly fester in the colon walls, increasing the risk of diseases unless they’re removed either through flushing, via a special diet or in extreme cases, through colonic irrigation or enemas.

The above ideas are bizarre at best and absurd at worse as your faecal matter does not retain toxins that can make you sick and cleanse your colon is hardly a matter of life and death, is unnecessary at best and potentially dangerous at worst.

2. Everyone needs a detox

In a toxic world where half our food is processed, and our lives are full of stress and suffering, we all need to detox. Although its true we’re all exposed to thousands of chemicals, pharma, stressors, toxins and junk foods, than our ancestors, detox is not appropriate for everyone.

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Here are persons who should not do a cleanse, and while we’re still at it, it all depends on the cleanse you’re talking about. But strictly speaking, the following people should not partake in cleansing especially one that involves a change in dieting or calories restrictions.

· Children

· Pregnant women

· Exhausted people

· Stressed people

· Nursing Mothers

· People with eating disorders

Consequently, there are still safer ways to cleanse out there, from elimination diets to liquid fasts. So, talking to your healthcare specialist or expert dietician is a good option.

Giving up your favorite foods and drinks

A lot of people think the best cleanse means you have to eliminate sugar, dairy, wheat, caffeine and alcohol and many other sweets in your life. But all this is absolute bull. However, every cleanse is different but strictly speaking here is a list of foods you can do without:

· Coffee

· Alcohol

· Sugar and sweeteners

· Processed foods

· Deep-fried foods

3. Specialized cleansers could be dangerous.

It has been proved that specific detox plans get rid of critical nutrients in the body, like proteins which can lead to nutrient deficiencies. If you’re placed under a prolonged juice cleansing, it could lead to an imbalance of essential electrolytes such as potassium and sodium.

Detox Juice

Colonic irrigation can only be permitted in situations of surgical procedures or endoscopy and when used as a detox plan, can lead to some nasty complications including endless diarrhoea, blood infection or tearing of the intestinal wall.

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Does drinking lots of water flush out toxins?

No. In fact drinking more water more than your body needs can impair your kidney’s abilities to properly manage electrolytes, such as potassium and sodium and chloride. It’s common to hear proponents argue that drinking six glasses of water per day the more bad stuff you flush out of your body. But that is not true.

As long as your urine is coming out light-yellow, it shows your body is getting all the water it needs.


Next time they get you bombarded with dangerous consequences of failing to detox you may want to remember particular detox regimes are at best not necessary and at worse potentially harmful.

Many scientific ideas recommend a healthy diet, enough sleep, and frequent exercises as the best way to keep your body functioning optimally. This is arguably also the best route to a healthy looking skin, natural weight loss and increased resistance to illnesses.

So, save your money and concentrate on eating a healthy diet, rich in fruits and vegetables, lean proteins and regular exercise.

Top 3 Myths About Detox Diets


  • Lisa Jones
    October 5, 2018

    Eating three adjusted, direct parcel dinners a day-with the fundamental supper at early afternoon is a more powerful approach to anticipate corpulence than fasting or crash diets, which persuade the body that there is a progressing starvation body cleanse to lose weight

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